
The Everything Guide to Selling Your Home

How to figure out exactly what you want, and how to work with the experts who’ll help you get it.

When you have lived in a house for many years, you treasure it. But the time comes when you must sell your home. This can be a very emotional time in your life and it will be difficult to set a price that could compare to the love you have for your home. 

Where do you begin? Do you sell it yourself or hire a real estate agent? This information will help you answer some of your questions and gives you step by step roadmap of what's involved to get your house on the market and eventually sold. 


Use the links below to jump directly to a topic or browse the page from top to bottom.


Know What You Want I Do Your Research I Interview and Select an Agent I Price Your Home I Prep Your Home for Sale I Market Your Home I Showcase Your Home I Receive Offers I Negotiate With the Buyer I Negotiate Home Inspection Repairs I Close the Sale    

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Know What You Want

First things first

You need to know what you and your partner (if any) want in order to sell your home with minimum frustration. Why are you moving? What do you expect from the process? When, exactly, should you put that For Sale sign in the yard? We can help you get your thoughts in order with this Home Selling Worksheet.


Do Your Research

Unless you bought your home last week, the housing market changed since you became a homeowner. Mortgage rates fluctuate, inventory shifts over time - these are just a few of the factors that affect the state of the market, and every market is unique. Educate yourself on what to expect. Start with our study guide on the market.


Interview and Select an Agent

This is the most important relationship you'll form on your home selling journey. Pick the right agent and you'll likely get a better sales price for your house. Here's how to find and select the expert who's right for you.


Price Your Home

How much is your home worth? That's the ... $1,000,000.00 question. Whatever the number, you need to know it. This is how your agent will help you pinpoint the price.


Prep Your Home for Sale

Today, home buyers have unfettered access to property listings online, so you have to make a great first impression - on the internet and IRL. That means you'll have to declutter all the stuff you've accumulated over the years, make any necessary repairs, and get your home in swoon-worthy condition. Here's how to stage your home.


Market Your Home

Home buyers look at countless listings online. The best-marketed homes have beautiful photos and compelling property descriptions, so they can get likes, which can amount to buyer interest - on social media. Some agents are even using videos, virtual tours, texts, and audio messages. It's time to consider how to promote your property.


Showcase Your Home

One of the best ways to get buyers in the door is to have an open house. This is your chance to show off your home's best assets, and help buyers envision themselves living there. Know how your agent will organize, advertise, and host the event to ensure it's a success.


Receive Offers

Yes, you might get several offers, depending on your market. Assuming you've collaborated with your agent, you've likely positioned yourself to receive attractive bids. Your agent will review each offer with you to determine which is best for you. (Read: The offer price isn't the only factor to consider: Here's why.)


Negotiate with the Buyer

To get the best deal for you, you'll likely have to do some negotiating. Your agent will help you craft a strategic counteroffer to the buyer's offer, factoring in not only money, but contingencies, etc. Let's talk about how to ask for what you want.


Negotiate Home Inspection Repairs

Ah, the home inspection. It's as much a source of anxiety for buyers as it is for sellers. Nonetheless, most purchase agreements are contingent on a home inspection (plus an appraisal, which will be managed by the buyer's lender). This gives the buyer the ability to inspect the home from top to bottom and request repairs - some even could be required per building codes. The upshot: You have some room to negotiate, including certain repairs. Once again, your agent will be there to help you effectively communicate with the buyer.


Close the Sale

Settlement or closing is the last step in the home selling process. This is where you sign the final paperwork, make this whole thing official, and collect your check. Before that can happen though, you'll have to prepare your home for the buyer's final walk-through and troubleshoot any last-minute issues. We've got you covered with this closing checklist.



5 Ways To Prepare Your Home For Sale

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