Thinking About Buying Property?

Are You Ready For Your Next Home?


Making the decision to purchase a home, whether it is your first or even fifth home, a retirement townhouse, a vacation condominium or a fixer upper investment, requires a solid plan, budget, and an experienced Real Estate Agent to assist you with meeting your goals. 

FPH suggest that you have us help you establish a budget and determine financing ability, make professional recommendations, help find the property you want to buy, negotiate with sellers on your behalf, and ensure your purchase and documentation follows Florida laws and requirements. 

Not only can FPH assist with finding your next home, we can help sell your current home, so your transition is as flawless as possible. 

Please make an appointment with us to discuss the options available. 

The Roadway To Homeownership


Where do you begin? Most people turn on the computer and start searching for a home on the Internet, usually landing on Zillow, and begin searching without a foundation of their credit ability, true affordability, understanding financing options, the true market value versus seller's desired price, and so much more. Is that really the best strategy to purchase your property?  No, is the right answer. 

The best place to start your journey is to seek professional assistance with one of our agents. We are available to coach you through the real estate process at your convenience. We will layout in simple terms each step and keep you on target, from initial planning all the way through Closing where you receive the keys to your new house.


FPH encourage your questions at any time, so you'll always have peace of mind and trust in what we are doing together. For more details, we suggest you make an appointment with an agent, that will dedicate time just for you.

Are You A First-Time Buyer?


One of life's biggest milestones is buying your first home. The process can be overwhelming and intimidating or it can be exciting and joyful. 

It is important to determine if your first home is a starter home or your first dream home. It's important to have realistic expectations and a full understanding of your financial capabilities, and explore first-time Home Buyer Programs offered by financial institutions and government. 

Speak with us to discuss options, we look forward to helping you. Perhaps you qualify for significant savings, or reduction on your down payment and closing costs.


Florida Property Homes can tutor you about the exciting roadway to homeownership and understanding home ownership is one of the best investments you can make.

Things Buyers Should Know


Buying A Home Is Scary and Exciting!

If this is not your first rodeo, you'll know how it feels, but for those who decide to take the jump... homeownership is one of the most gratifying sensations and financial investment. Finding that one unique dwelling to call home where you can personalize, arrange and do whatever you want is exhilirating and living the American dream. Prepare yourself for the best joy-ride you've ever taken!

Buying A Home Can Consume A Lot Of Your Time

Finding your new home can be like finding a needle in the haystack, if you don't know where to look. There will be hundreds of questions asked, like: How much can you afford? Where you want to live? What type of home are you looking for? How many rooms do you need? Do you want to live close to your job or family? How are the schools in your choosen area? And the list goes on. Reserve some time out of your busy day, because you're going to need it to plan and hunt for your house.

Real Estate Terminology Can Be Confusing

Real estate is not rocket science, but the laws and terminology can be complicated, and you'll need help to understand it all. The laws are in place for everyone's protection, but the red tape can be overwhelming and confusing. Realize this is part of the process, so be patient. When in doubt, ask questions. That's part of an agent's job. 

Hiring A Professional Real Estate Agent Is An Investment

There are no shortcuts when buying a home, but having a professional agent in your corner is money well invested for future success. There are some agents that promise this and that, but don't deliver. On the other hand, there are many agents (like us) that will strive hard to meet your goals and desires. They are as valuable to you as your family doctor or lawyer. Hiring an agent makes sense.

The Difference Between A Home Inspector And An Appraiser

Some people think they are both the same, and although they basically do about the same things, they do it for different reasons. A home inspector can be hired by either the seller or buyer, but not the same one for both. A homeowner would be wise to hire an inspector to evaluate the condition of their home before listing it for sale. A buyer should hire an inspector to examine the property's condition and reveal potential repairs before making an offer or buying it. Whereas, an appraiser is hired by the lender to determine whether the property's current market value supports the financial institution's risk and collateral requirement needed to support the requested mortgage loan. 

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Where do I start?

Look at home buying as an investment. Everyone should start with a budget to know exactly how much they can afford. Review your credit report and make sure it's in good order. 

Lenders will scrutinize your exsisting and future expenses based on your income. If your costs are more than 30% of your gross income, they might require a co-signer, a larger down payment and charge you a higher interest rate.

What do I need to know?

Home buying is exciting and at the same time frustrating. No matter how many homes you've bought, it is better to hire a real estate agent to assist you through the process. The agent can also help you with your budget issues, specific criteria and prequalify you before doing anything else.

Decide on the home size, location, distance to your job and other factors of significance that can affect your decisions, choice, and financial obligations.  

What is a purchase agreement?

It is the most important paper of the buying process. The agreement states the specific terms and conditions that the seller and buyer agree upon to legally transfer ownership. It also contains proper disclosures such as: hazardous waste, asbestos, radon, paint lead, and termites. 

The purchase agreement also has provisions to how the down payment is handled, the financial requirements and payment schedule, among other conditions agreed.

What does 'caveat emptor' mean?

The latin term means 'buyer beware'. It is the buyers' responsibility to research for defects and perform due diligence of the property to be more informed prior to purchase. Per law, the seller is required to disclosure certain past and current issues related to the property. 

The buyer should request a property inspection they are interested in before purchasing it. If they feel there are potential undiscovered problems, especially if buying 'as is', then this can used for purchasing decision or renegotiation of sales price. 

Inspection vs Appraisal

The difference between getting a home inspection and an appraisal depends on who requires them. The inspection can be made by both seller and buyer to discover issues needing maintenance and to examine the structure for safety and soundness.

An appraisal is requested by the lending firm to confirm the fair market value based on the sales of comparable homes in the area and to ensure that the loan given is not more than what the property is worth.

What is title insurance?

Title insurance is paid by the buyer to protect the lender against loss if there's any claim of ownership made after closing and guarantees the accuracy of the title search, also called a deed search. A fee is included in the closing costs.

A certification of title is the document provided by a title company that shows the current seller is the legal owner of the property being purchased and that it is free of liens or other claims.

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Florida Property Homes

Serving all Central Florida

(407) 935-0068